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CleanOpsStaff-3ed Home Page
(Custodial Operations and Staffing Software Page)



CleanOpsStaff-3ed Will Be Discontinued and Retired 



CleanOpsStaff-3ed is no longer being sold by APPA and will be phased out and retired in December 2022.  The software is WILL NOT function after this date. The stability of the software during the remaining time cannot be assured as other third-party supporting systems are modified and updated. Technical support for existing users will continue to be provided by Hunter Consulting and Training until December 31, 2022, under its Tech Support agreement service. 


Users are advised to begin looking for alterative software for your custodial operations and staffing requirements. Please note that all of your data is stored locally on your computer and that APPA and Hunter Consulting and Training have never had access to it. The CleanOpsStaff-3ed application does have an export feature that might allow you to export your data for importing into an alternative program of your choice. Hunter Consulting and Training will be sending out additional information about the impending discontinuation and retirement of the software in the near future.


Our sincere thanks to the user community for your interest since 2008 and we hope this product has added value to your operation!



CleanOpsStaff-3ed Capabilities: CleanOpsStaff-3ed is a custodial operations and staffing computer program developed by Hunter Consulting and Training in partnership with APPA designed to implement the APPA Custodial Operations and Staffing protocol contained in the APPA Operational Guidelines for Educational Facilities: Custodial book. You can purchase the program from the APPA online bookstore. Use the below links to get a better understanding of what CleanOpsStaff-3ed can do to help you enhance your custodial operation.


Downloading CleanOpsStaff-3ed software: Click the below link to download the software at no cost.  You can run the software in "Demo Mode" for free as long as you wish to assist you in deciding whether to purchase a license from APPA. 


CleanOpsStaff-3ed Latest Release Dates:

  • Program Manager:10/14/2021

  • Main Program: 7/30/2020

  • CleanOpsStaff-ProMobile-iOS: Ver 2.1 (for iPhones, iPad, and iPod Touch) -- NO LONGER SUPPORTED

  • CleanOpsStaff-ProMobile-AD: Ver 4.6 (for Android Phones and Tablets)

  • CleanOpsStaff-ProMobile-AD: Ver 3.5 (for Kindle Fire)

CleanOpsStaff-3ed Compatibility: NEW 9-25-2014: CleanOpsStaff-3ed now works with Excel 64 bit and Excel 32-bit Microsoft Office. Hunter Consulting and Training has successfully test CleanOpsStaff-3ed with the below configurations.


  • Windows 10/Office 365

  • Windows 10/Excel 2019

  • New -- Windows 10/Excel 2016 32-bit

  • New -- Windows 7/Excel 2016 32-bit 

  • Apple MAC with Parallels Desktop 10 and Windows 2013

  • Windows 8/Excel 2013 (Including on Microsoft Surface Pro computer/tablet)  

  • Windows 7/Excel 2013, Windows 7/Excel 2010, Windows Vista/Excel 2007, Windows 7/Excel 2007, Windows Vista/Excel 2007, Windows XP/Excel 2007


 NOTE: Excel 2003 and earlier no longer supported.


CleanOpsStaff-3ed Purchase and Support: 

IMPORTANT: Please review CleanOpsStaff-3ed Presentation (PDF) and the Features, Upgrades and Pricing Matrix before purchasing CleanOpsStaff-3ed to fully understand the basic features that come with the Product Code (license) from APPA and the Upgrades you can obtain from Hunter Consulting and Training.


Click here to buy now from the APPA online bookstore.

Price is $360.00 ($455.00 for non-members) with volume discount as follows:

Volume Discounts (Custodial Guidelines/CleanOpsStaff Package (A764-P)

1-9 = No discount

10-19 = 15%

20-29 = 20%                BUY NOW

30-49 = 25%

50 or more = 35%


The basic software license must be purchased from APPA. All post-sale support such as Upgrades, Training, Tech Support, and Implementation Support is provided by Hunter Consulting and Training.

IMPORTANT NOTE: In order to keep the price of CleanOpsStaff-3ed and its upgrades as low as possible, Hunter Consulting and Training is not able to grant refunds after purchases are made. It is very important that you fully review each product before making your purchase.


You can also request dedicated CleanOpsStaff-3ed training and Implementation Support for you and/or your staff via live on-line sessions (Webinar) using GoToMeeting or Zoom. Click on Buy CleanOpsStaffAssist.


Hunter Consulting and Training will provide free 2 months of email, phone back, and live webinar Tech Support via the TechCallBack Tech Support service provided the software is activated within 3 months after purchase. Users may purchase 6-months or 12-months additional Tech Support agreements by clicking Buy Tech Support.



The below files are also downloaded to your hard drive in your 'C:\CleanOpsStaff-3ed Program Files' folder when you install CleanOpsStaff-3ed.




*********************************NEWS 7-14-2020*************************************

COVID-19 Staffing Updates Number 2 for CleanOpsStaff-3ed


RECORDING: 6-10-2020 COVID-19 Impact on Custodial Staffing and How CleanOpsStaff-3ed Might Help Webinar Recording


PowerPoint: 6-10-2020 COVID-19 Impact on Custodial Staffing and How CleanOpsStaff-3ed Might Help Webinar PowerPoint





Custodial Guidelines/CleanOpsStaff-3ed Software Package (A764-P)







Grounds Guidelines/GroundsOpsStaff-2ed Software Package (A765-P)







Maintenance Guidelines/MainOpsStaff Package (A766-P)







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