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Activate GroundsOpsStaff-2ed-Pro Upgrades

(Scroll down for step-by-step instructions)


GroundsOpsStaff-2ed can be upgraded to GroundsOpsStaff-2ed-Pro to increase the record capacity to up to 2,000 records in 250-record increments and to gain access to Add-Ins to add additional functions to the program. You must first purchase the upgrades and then activate them from within the GroundsOpsStaff-2ed Program manager. Click any of the Buy links in this web page left panel to purchase upgrades. Upon receipt of an email from Hunter Consulting and Training confirming your upgrade purchase, follow the below instructions to activate your upgrade on your end:


To activate the ProScheduler, Import Wizard, TechCallBack Support, and other Upgrades you have purchased, do the following:

  1. In the Program Manager, click on the “GroundsOpsStaff-2ed-Pro Upgrade” button. The Program Manager will connect to the GroundsOpsStaff-2ed upgrade server to check the GroundsOpsStaff-2ed web database for your upgrade status. Please be patient as this might take a few moments depending on your internet connection speed. Do not click until the GroundsOpsStaff-2ed Upgrade and Add-In Status form appear.

  2. NOTE: Some institutions internet firewalls block unknown web sites and might cause the Program manager to not read your Upgrade Status information. If this happens, send an email to Hunter Consulting and Training for an alternate activation approach.

  3. Once your upgrade status has been checked, the GroundsOpsStaff-2ed Upgrade and Add-In Status form will appear.

  4. If you have purchased upgrades that you have not activated, Activate All GroundsOpsStaff-2ed-Pro Upgrade Prompt Box will also appear

  5. Click Yes.

  6. Observe the Upgrade Purchase Status as of and the Activation Status as of frames at the very top of the Program Manager screen and confirm that the two frame properly reflect the upgrades you have purchased and activated

  7. The next time you run GroundsOpsStaff-2ed Main Program, all of your upgrades will be activated



Custodial Guidelines/CleanOpsStaff-3ed Software Package (A764-P)







Grounds Guidelines/GroundsOpsStaff-2ed Software Package (A765-P)







Maintenance Guidelines/MainOpsStaff Package (A766-P)







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