Hunter Consulting and Training
CleanOpsStaff-3ed Online Store
**********************************NEWS 7-2-2021*************************************
The CleanOpsStaff-ProMobile iPhone and iPad App is no longer available on the Apple App Store for new users due to new requirements by the App Store. Existing users can still use the App they have already purchased from the App store. It is not certain whether CleanOpsStaff-ProMobile will return to the App store or not.
Click question mark right of PayPal Button to see go to the full description page for each upgrade. You can also make your purchase on the full description page.
Refresh Browser if 'Add to Cart' buttons are not responding
Custodial Guidelines/CleanOpsStaff-3ed Software Package (A764-P)
Grounds Guidelines/GroundsOpsStaff-2ed Software Package (A765-P)
Maintenance Guidelines/MainOpsStaff Package (A766-P)